Dear Customer

Please note that during Ramadan (from 16th May – 14th June 2018) our branch will be open for business from 9:30 am to 1:00pm

Thank you

Transactions Cut –off times are shared below;


Cut-off Times

Telegraphic Transfer Payment

13:00 hrs

Salary / Payroll **

10.00 hrs

Cashiers Order (Collected by customer)

11.00 hrs

Cashiers Order (Delivery to other local banks)

10.00 hrs

Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)

11.00 hrs

Automated Clearing House (ACH)

11.00 hrs

Internal Transfer

13:00 hrs

Inward Remittance credit

13.00 hrs

Placement of Fixed Deposit

12:30 hrs

Deposits and Withdrawals at the cash counters

13:00 hrs

Deposit of clearing cheques

12:15 hrs

Letter of Credit Application

11:30 hrs

Bank Guarantee Application

13:00 hrs

Bill Acceptance Documents

13:00 hrs

Clean Import Loan Requests

13:00 hrs

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